Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening, Keyboard Warriors and Digital Soldiers alike, this week has been a GLORIOUS week for the Republic of the United States of America! This week our enemy, the dastardly and devious Deep State, and cowardly and cunning Cabal sought to strike a major blow to The Great Awakening. They sought to cut the head off of what they perceived to be a great serpent.
In their haste and desperation, they did not realize that the beast they sought to slay was no slithering snake, but a noble and honorable LION among men; a Brave Heart whom would become a powerful symbol to all upon their hasty strike. They should have seen this coming, they should have known better, they should have made other moves, and now comes the consequential counter move and counter offensive that shall topple their corrupt temple and send their demonic asses back to the hell they came from!
I am reminded this day of C.S. Lewis incredible book “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” Like J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis coded many layers of meaning into his tales. In the first novel of his Chronicles of Narnia series, Lewis introduces us to the land of Narnia as it is under the reign of the evil and wicked Witch. This is a land that has known nothing but the cold embrace of cold tyranny for generations. In the tumultuous climax of this tale the Witch seeks to kill Aslan, the Lion who represents the salvation of the people of Narnia. She kills Aslan upon a stone table in a ritual sacrifice. The Witch, in her arrogance, believes she has triumphed, having rid herself of the one threat to her dominion.
But as the first rays of sunlight pierce the horizon, a deeper, older magic comes into play. This is the magic the Witch herself did not know, for it was written in the very fabric of Narnia before her time. It is a magic that speaks of sacrifice, of love, and of a power that death cannot hold.
The Stone Tablet cracks, and from its ruins, Aslan returns, more majestic and powerful than ever. The very essence of Narnia’s ancient magic pulses through him, a testament to the fact that true sacrifice, made out of deep love, can never be truly vanquished. The resurrection of Aslan is not just a rebirth of the Lion, but a rekindling of hope for all of Narnia!
Like Narnia, our Republic has deep roots tracing back hundreds of years. Powerful words were written and spoken at the birth of our nation that safeguarded our freedoms and rights against all tyrants who would seek to usurp our Republic. The Cabal, like the wicked Witch, believe that if they rid this land of President Trump, our Lion among men, that they can banish our freedoms and extend their reign of terror indefinitely.
What they do not realize is that the people of our great and exceptional nation are beginning to awaken from their slumber, much like the creatures of Narnia were awakening from the Witch’s petrification spell. They have found themselves facing the full might of the Wizards and Warlocks of the Q team that have orchestrated the perfect trap. Any strike that happens against President Trump at their hands will now only serve to make him more powerful and influential than ever before!
Like the wicked Witch of Narnia, the Deep Staters and Cabalists thought they dealt a fatal blow to President Trump with their “mugShot heard around the world”. Indeed we must prepare ourselves for a much graver and serious eventuality and happening. It is very plausible that the film we now find ourselves in the front row seats of may contain a chapter wherein the death of the Lion will seemingly occur, just as it did in Narnia. There were many who believed that the Q team would not allow for President Trump’s arrest, and yet here we are. Prepare for other narrative turns that may take us down darker paths in the coming year.
At the moment, President Trump can be seen as only half a martyr. His mugshot has reverberated in the heart strings of people from all walks of life. People who have known nothing but hardship, persecution at the hands of the system, injustice from our corrupt Justice Department, and all manner of other trepidations have now found themselves on a level field with President Trump. They see that he has been on the receiving end of the same injustices that they have. The Democrats did not calculate the gravity of losing the “ghetto” and “hood” neighborhoods where mugshots are seen as badges of honor!
What will happen now that the Democrats see that their half-measure of a mug shot has only served to make President Trump more popular? What will their next move be now that President Trump has so brilliantly deployed the counter-move of the Tucker Carlson X interview, and a return to X for the mugshot post? Will they internalize their error in strategy and change course? Will they look ahead and see the divergence in the timeline, and their inevitable doom in their present course of action? Will they become so desperate that they will do the one thing that will cement President Trump as the greatest martyr and symbol of freedom in the history of humanity? Will the Q team allow them to traverse this time-line?
Perhaps the most important question of all this is how the White Hats’ Game Theory will connect to these happenings and events. It is very possible, even probable that The White Hats have calculated into this Plan and Film a chapter wherein President Trump will seemingly disappear for a dark night in humanity’s history. Perhaps this is among the events that will lead us to the perception of the hopeless brink of the abyss, that precipice that will serve as our near death experience, and hard wake up call before the Military unveils all that has transpired over the past decade, along with the crimes against humanity the Cabalists and Deep Staters are responsible for.
Whether or not President Trump will be or has been literally, figuratively, symbolically, or narratively assassinated, we must recognize that he has most certainly sacrificed a great deal for our country and for humanity at large. In writing these posts, I cannot help but reference the great narratives of books and films. Q told us many times that we have been watching scripted movie, so let me call upon another sacrificial narrative from an adjacent story.
In the final volume of Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy, there is a phenomenal scene featuring The Dark Knight, and Saline Kyle. In this scene, Saline pleads with Bruce Wayne to save himself; to turn his back upon the people of Gotham City, allow for its destruction, abandon his crusade against injustice, and flee with her to safety.
She tells Bruce: “Come with me, save yourself. You don’t owe these people anymore. You’ve given them everything.”
Batman responds: “Not everything, not yet.”
Like Aslan from Narnia, and Obi-Wan Kenobi from A New Hope, the narrative of The Dark Knight sacrificing himself leads to a perception of death; a time when the people at large believe that their hero has fallen and will not return. These dramatic stories are mere narrative tropes that mirror, honor, and pay tribute to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ that was done in order to save the souls of humanity.
Many have made the comparison between President Trump and Jesus Christ in the past, and many have come away with the wrong interpretation and perception of why this comparison is made, and its importance in the White Hat’s Game Theory. In the aftermath of Jesus Christ’s death and sacrifice on the cross, ask yourself the important question: what became of the cross as symbol?
Did the cross not become the most prolific and powerful religious symbol in the history of humanity? Did not this tool of torture and suffering become a powerful symbol of healing, hope and love? Mediate upon the miracle of this transformation for a moment. Be in awe of how an object intended to torture individuals for days, if not weeks could become a symbol we now associate with such positive emotions as love, compassion, and the ultimate sacrifice.
The same forces of good and righteousness that turned the cross from a symbol of hate into a symbol of love exist today, and are at work across the world. I believe God has blessed President Trump and his crusade against the demonic Cabal. The White Hats continuously tell us that the events that are unfolding in our lifetime are BIBLICAL. There is a reason why the Cabalists and Deep Staters continuously find themselves in a position of critical failure in their attacks upon President Trump. President Trump is wearing the impenetrable armor of God, and no weapon of the Cabal can possibly pierce such a mighty shield.
The Cabalists and Deep Staters may have the support of Molach, Baal, and Satan behind them, but our one true President of the Republic of these United States of America, and the team of White Hats supporting him, are backed by The Lord God and Savior whose Kingdom exists both in Heaven and on Earth.
We often discuss the Q phrase regarding symbolism being the downfall of the Cabal. We have always looked towards the Cabal’s symbolism that has exposed their pedophile rings, but we rarely ever discuss our own symbolism and how meme culture and “meme-magic” has become a powerful counter-strike against their dark and wicked spells they have cast upon humanity.
Their symbolism appears everywhere. It appears on the packaging of the food we buy, in the television and film that we watch, in the radio we listen to, and a myriad of other places. What we must recognize is that as powerful as their symbolism can be, it is not the only symbolism that we should be paying attention. Q told us to think in mirrors. Perhaps the symbolism of Q, Trump, and the Patriots is just as important to the downfall of the Cabal.
Now that We the People; Patriots, Anons, and Normies alike, have witnessed the arrest of President Donald J. Trump, and the release of his mugshot to the media, I believe we can now say in earnest that the people of our great nation and of the world are beginning to understand the sacrifices that President Trump has made, and the pain and suffering that he and his family have endured at the hands of the Cabal. In arresting President Trump, the Cabalists and Deep Staters have constructed a bridge that connects people of all walks of life to President Trump.
President Trump is no longer seen as an upper class billionaire with nothing in common with the middle and lower class, if he ever indeed was perceived thusly. People who were perhaps reluctant to support President Trump, or were vehemently against him are now finding that there are cracks in their psychology forming that are allowing for rays of critical thinking to occur. They see what President Trump is going through, and they are beginning to internalize this information in a new light. It cannot be understated how important these moments, however small and insignificant they may seem to be, are in the grand tapestry of The Great Awakening.
There was a fantastic interview posted on Nino’s Corner the other day with Juan ‘O Savin and Jan Halper that touched upon the important dynamic of critical mass awakening. In this interview, both Juan and Jan were discussing the importance of cracking through the psychology of the masses, and allowing them the opportunity to awaken. It cannot be overstated how delicate the White Hat operation is. We absolutely must reach a certain percentage of awakening prior to the White Hats and Military making their move in the open for all to see. If we do not reach critical mass awakening prior to these events, we will inevitably diverge into a time-line of Civil War, mass unrest, and the destruction of our Republic which we seek to save from the clutches of the Cabal.
Meditate for a moment upon President Trump’s mugshot, and the affect it has had upon the masses. The intended affect of the Cabal was most certainly to cause mass unrest. Indeed we may see False Flag events from Deep State controlled cells. This card was played on January 6th of 21, and will surely be played again. Look beyond such Cabalist controlled events and towards the hearts and souls of the Patriots and Anons of our great Nation. Observe how this mugshot has been miraculously transformed into a symbol of solidarity in The Great Awakening.
We Moderators often have discussions behind closed doors on such events as this as we are contemplating how best to present theories and ideas to The Great Awakening Win Board. Yesterday, a few other moderators and myself were discussing just how quickly the merchandise featuring President Trump’s mugshot was put into distribution. Merchandise, for those who may not know, includes such items as hats, shirts, mugs, etc. featuring prominent patterns, art, and symbolism. u/SemperSupra set the record straight on just how complex and complicated merchandise production can be, and how producing a large quantity of merch requires preparation and a great deal of time before orders can be sent out.
What conclusions can we draw from these recent happenings? Just as the Black Hats have been ceaselessly pushing their demonic and wicked symbolism upon humanity, so too have the White Hats been counter-striking with equal and more powerful symbolism of their own, and they may have clued certain Patriot merch shop into the plan!
The Democrats dreamed of the day that they would have an ugly and demeaning mug-shot of President Trump to use as a weapon against Patriots and Anons. They sought to use this symbol to fracture our movement into pieces. They never dreamed that President Trump’s mugshot would become a bad-ass symbol that would unify The Great Awakening and MAGA Patriots!
This post is wonderful and must have taken a lot of work.
Thank you fren!