Judges May Not Be Able To Prevent Trump From Discussing His Cases, Legal Experts Say
'Win-Win Situation' - Legal Experts Explain How Former President Donald Trump In Unique Position to Defy Judges' Orders Regardin…
The left is angry about this.
Judges May Not Be Able To Prevent Trump From Discussing His Cases, Legal Experts Say
'Win-Win Situation' - Legal Experts Explain How Former President Donald Trump In Unique Position to Defy Judges' Orders Regardin…
The left is angry about this.
You can't gag an x president.....................seems wrong.
He will start talking and bait them into trying to arrest him. But that will not go very far because Trump will roll up with gang gang. He has the biggest motorcade in U.S. history. Fairly sure some of his motorcades were military. The Yuge motorcade he rolled up with in Atlanta has shook the cabal. Pretty sure they were going to Trump in jail for the weekend. But they changed their mind when Trump's motorcade rolled up, just begging for the people in Atlanta to try some dumb shit.
Doesn't make sense. That would be contempt of court; a process crime. Jailable.
An array of legal experts believe that the First Amendment, combined with the fact that Trump’s running for president and is the clear frontrunner for his party, could make those judge’s orders null and void
I guess the most expensive lawyer wins.