It might be that Trump is deliberately doing misspellings just to mess with everyone, including the Bad Guys, who are no doubt madly trying to decode them. He is called The Master Troll for a reason.
I think its to give ammo to the retarded left.
They thought it was extra commical to latch onto Trump claiming he was 215lbs. No care in the world that they are witnessing a gestap government but hahaha Trump is a delusional liar.
Might possibly be to get eyes from retarded left so they are paying attention to what is going on. Hey Trump got arrested and he said he was 215lbs can you believe it? Then these retard normies who otherwise wouldnt be paying attention will remember when boomerang happens and oh yeah remember we arrested trump and he said he was 215lbs... i guess obama being arrested is okay since we did it to Trump.
Always a possibility. UNLESS the "Bad guys" are already defeated. You don't telegraph your plans to the enemy. Assuming bad guys are defeated, it's a message to us. If not, it's to keep bad guys guessing/panicking.
But as the Art of War states:
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
It might be that Trump is deliberately doing misspellings just to mess with everyone, including the Bad Guys, who are no doubt madly trying to decode them. He is called The Master Troll for a reason.
I think its to give ammo to the retarded left. They thought it was extra commical to latch onto Trump claiming he was 215lbs. No care in the world that they are witnessing a gestap government but hahaha Trump is a delusional liar.
Might possibly be to get eyes from retarded left so they are paying attention to what is going on. Hey Trump got arrested and he said he was 215lbs can you believe it? Then these retard normies who otherwise wouldnt be paying attention will remember when boomerang happens and oh yeah remember we arrested trump and he said he was 215lbs... i guess obama being arrested is okay since we did it to Trump.
Always a possibility. UNLESS the "Bad guys" are already defeated. You don't telegraph your plans to the enemy. Assuming bad guys are defeated, it's a message to us. If not, it's to keep bad guys guessing/panicking.
But as the Art of War states:
“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
“All warfare is based on deception.”
If the bad guys are already defeated, Trump might be messin' with them just for fun.