Qoincidence. Mug shot. Important moment in time. The picture will be the signifier. Delta between Q post and Trump mug shot. 4 years, 10 months, 20 days = D J T.
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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You quote one section from the Nazirene link, and moved on with your twisted logic to conclude that the KJV was "indeed" perfect.
What the quote says is that the ancient manuscripts that were discovered in such a time that it might be a revelation by God. And that if God revealed these manuscripts, it effectively proves that the KJV was NOT a divine inspiration/revelation, because the KJV was never translated from those manuscripts!
Do know that before the KJV was even a thing, there was the Geneva version. The State Church has been pushing its own version but to no avail, so King James ordered to based their new version on the GNV, altering it to the point that nobody can notice, and in a way that supports the agenda of the State Church. More on that here. This article also explores the King's character, but that is irrelevant.
Even so, it was rejected by the King's own bishops and people, and it took decades to make the GNV out of print. And that the KJV itself was revised many times, the most popular one is the 1769 version!
I watched your video several times, and my observation is the same: What he did was: 1) quoting from the KJV, easy peasy, 2) comparing it with other translations, 3) talks about how it relates with the number 666. He only showed in his video one manuscript - the Sinacitus. I thought "What? these were all the arguments he could make?" He did not even try to attack the older manuscripts. With such unfound analogy, it only convinces those who have already been convinced, but fails to convince everyone else.
The Apostles told us to "Prove all things". Q tells us to "Question everything". Trump and Q show us the material facts. They don't play with numbers.