How far away is she? Can she still bring it? Can you change her mind? My worry is that this is the kind of thing that encourages rebellion, and instills more distrust in parents/family. The exact thing that needs to be reversed asap.
Also you said you basically live like the Amish? Are you on land? Connecting with nature is wonderful therapy too. If you have any farm animals I'd definitely put her on farm chores right away. Caring for animals can be wonderful for people with emotional issues, depending on the person.
I do want to wish you luck. I'm sure none of my advice is even in your control right now anyway. I guess just try to find a way to connect with her in her world. She'll feel like you are trying to understand her and it will encourage trust. Then she may become more receptive to what's outside her world. Maybe y'all can find a common ground, and maybe try something fun like a movie night? Bake some cookies? Visit a music store so she can sample other instruments? She won't become a different person in 2 weeks but a break from the norm might do her some good. I do highly recommend her parents remove her from school though. I've homeschooled for a decade and I'm quite passionate about it, now more than ever after seeing the horrible brainwashing that's come out the last few years.
How far away is she? Can she still bring it? Can you change her mind? My worry is that this is the kind of thing that encourages rebellion, and instills more distrust in parents/family. The exact thing that needs to be reversed asap.
Also you said you basically live like the Amish? Are you on land? Connecting with nature is wonderful therapy too. If you have any farm animals I'd definitely put her on farm chores right away. Caring for animals can be wonderful for people with emotional issues, depending on the person.
I do want to wish you luck. I'm sure none of my advice is even in your control right now anyway. I guess just try to find a way to connect with her in her world. She'll feel like you are trying to understand her and it will encourage trust. Then she may become more receptive to what's outside her world. Maybe y'all can find a common ground, and maybe try something fun like a movie night? Bake some cookies? Visit a music store so she can sample other instruments? She won't become a different person in 2 weeks but a break from the norm might do her some good. I do highly recommend her parents remove her from school though. I've homeschooled for a decade and I'm quite passionate about it, now more than ever after seeing the horrible brainwashing that's come out the last few years.
Awe, she's looking for an outlet. Does she have any music to listen to?