Just butting in to support FroagOnWin: Dr. Halper did get her information from Charlie Ward (the plane filled with gold claim), since he is the origin of that claim. You can look that up yourself, J. Sather wrote a lengthy substack tracking down where that claim came from. She's not just "saying the same thing as a liar, coincidentally". She's repeating his words and it's obvious. The question is why? Why is she repeating these theories that have flimsy to no evidence at all?
Okay, so this is the crux of the issue here. Is she just "repeating Charlie Ward's story" or is she claiming that she got the information from Charlie Ward ?
(Incidentally, reading that substack is what made me realise that Halper might be the real deal, we will come to that later).
came across the origination of this claim. It actually stems from none other than "Dr." Charlie Ward himself. In a video he posted to YouTube in August 2020 where he was talking to Mark Attwood, Charlie Ward made the claim that 650 planes took gold from the Vatican to the U.S. and he even went so far as to alledge that he's involved in redistributing that money run the world.
Okay, so he tells us that Charlie was the first person to mention this number in August 2020.
Does he actually prove that she got it from him? (Thats the core of the argument).
Here is what he has to say:
Where does she get her info and why did she believe that? It appears she may very well be a consumer of Charlie Ward/Derek Johnson-esque clickbait.
So he asks the question but has no answers. He does not know where she got the info from, nor does he care to find out before writing his hit piece.
So as far as this substack is concerned we are back to square one in our logic. It does not enlighten us any further as to where she just parrotted Charlie's claims, OR she independantly repeated Charlie's claims.
BTW, in the main video, the interviewer confirms independantly that there were a lot huge and heavy things that were moved from Vatican (he also adds that his source mentioned tons of black SUVs that carried the heavy things to the C130s). So the claim that Charlie is the sole source for this stuff is also incorrect.
BUT, lets go further beyond this point of logic - lets look at the claim itself.
lets forget the number 650 for a second, lets just ask ourselves what do we think about moving gold from Vatican back to US.
First, do we believe that the Cabal stole trillions from the people ? I dont think there is anyone here who has not come to that conclusion by now.
Do we believe at least some of this wealth went to Vatican? Q has multiple drops about Vatican, its wealth, power and sanctuary against prosecution. (1950 for instance).
Now, do we believe we could be successful in this Plan and reach to this point if we were not able to take back the Gold?
You know what is beautiful? When the guy screaming "ad hominem" gives a beautiful example of what "ad hominem" really is! Mull on that and everything else becomes clear.
And none of what you said is a personal attack, as you claimed.
Victimizing yourself wont get your point across, nor will it take you far here. This is not reddit.
If you had made this post before you claimed ad hominem, it would have given you a bit of credibility.
Just butting in to support FroagOnWin: Dr. Halper did get her information from Charlie Ward (the plane filled with gold claim), since he is the origin of that claim. You can look that up yourself, J. Sather wrote a lengthy substack tracking down where that claim came from. She's not just "saying the same thing as a liar, coincidentally". She's repeating his words and it's obvious. The question is why? Why is she repeating these theories that have flimsy to no evidence at all?
Okay, so this is the crux of the issue here. Is she just "repeating Charlie Ward's story" or is she claiming that she got the information from Charlie Ward ?
Here is jordan's substack
(Incidentally, reading that substack is what made me realise that Halper might be the real deal, we will come to that later).
Okay, so he tells us that Charlie was the first person to mention this number in August 2020.
Does he actually prove that she got it from him? (Thats the core of the argument).
Here is what he has to say:
So he asks the question but has no answers. He does not know where she got the info from, nor does he care to find out before writing his hit piece.
So as far as this substack is concerned we are back to square one in our logic. It does not enlighten us any further as to where she just parrotted Charlie's claims, OR she independantly repeated Charlie's claims.
BTW, in the main video, the interviewer confirms independantly that there were a lot huge and heavy things that were moved from Vatican (he also adds that his source mentioned tons of black SUVs that carried the heavy things to the C130s). So the claim that Charlie is the sole source for this stuff is also incorrect.
BUT, lets go further beyond this point of logic - lets look at the claim itself.
lets forget the number 650 for a second, lets just ask ourselves what do we think about moving gold from Vatican back to US.
First, do we believe that the Cabal stole trillions from the people ? I dont think there is anyone here who has not come to that conclusion by now.
Do we believe at least some of this wealth went to Vatican? Q has multiple drops about Vatican, its wealth, power and sanctuary against prosecution. (1950 for instance).
Now, do we believe we could be successful in this Plan and reach to this point if we were not able to take back the Gold?
Talking about gaslighting, you are the one claiming ad hominem. I am assuming its one of those "you have hurt my feelings by calling me out".
You know what is beautiful? When the guy screaming "ad hominem" gives a beautiful example of what "ad hominem" really is! Mull on that and everything else becomes clear.