Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends
If you see an article/video here on Unleashed that you believe is worth sharing, please feel free to re-post it here on GAW or anywhere else...
...a very loud "howl" for all those who contribute articles to Unleashed, we are amazed at the depth and scope of the interests of the readers...
Thru the Bible with Dr. J. Vernon McGee Psalms 32, 33
Lessons learned from Psalms 32—33 include: Faith is counted as righteousness. If you are a child of God, you can sin but you cannot live in it. If we stay close to God, He can guide us with His eye. The efforts of men to establish peace will come to nothing.
Thru the Bible - Minute with McGee Dr. J. Vernon McGee
The Yardstick For Christian Living
Daily Promises
God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? (Numbers 23:19)
God is ever worthy of our trust. He is unchanging and uncompromising. His promises will always be kept and He shall always stand true to His word. Every promise shall find fulfilment in you who are Christ's workmanship. Rejoice therefore in Him and be filled!
Give It All You Got
Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart. — Psalm 119:2
When you give it all you've got, you can experience God in ways that you never have before.
German Nord Stream Report, Niger-France Tensions, Affordable Housing...Political Misfits Podcast
Trump's Growing List of Charges; Mitt Romney Cheers Ukrainian Disaster; US May Attack Mexico? The Critical Hour Podcast
Rus Advance Kupiansk Sparks Ukr Fear of 2nd Bakhmut; Scholz Macron Shocked Putin Unfazed Sanctions...The Duran Podcast
New Peer Reviewed Study Finds Pfizer Jab Causes Vaccine-Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)...The Last American Vagabond
Today's Wins
"The ultimate tyranny in a society is not control by martial law. It is control by the psychological manipulation of consciousness, through which reality is defined so that those who exist within it do not even realize that they are in prison. They do not even realize that there is something outside of where they exist."
"Bringers of the Dawn"
Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.
Frank Zappa
1 Are We Facing Lockdowns 2.0?
2 We the Targeted: How the Government Weaponizes Surveillance to Silence Its Critics
3 Mitch McConnell’s Concerning Chinese Connections
4 Waterloo City Council Repeals Counseling Censorship Ordinance
5 What’s Your School District’s ‘Transgender’ Policy?
6 Democrats Should Quake: Trump is Glowering
7 The statistical fraud of multiple counts and courts
8 Why Was Biden Booed? Let Me Count the Ways
9 “Joe & Hunter Biden Were Being Bribed!” – Says Ukrainian Prosecutor
10 Tucker Interviews Hungary’s Viktor Orbin: It’s the Communists Who Arrest Their Political Opponents
11 ‘Incontrovertible Evidence of Joe Biden’s Corruption Is About to Be Made Public’
12 Climate Crisis Is Dead; Long Live the Time Crisis
13 This is your economy on fentanyl
14 12-year-old Colorado pupil thrown out of class for his Gadsden flag patch
15 Noam Chomsky, The Eve of Destruction
16 D.H. Lawrence on the Hypocrisies of Social Change and What It Actually Takes to Shift the Status Quo
17 The Sweet and Secret Influences of Our State and County Fairs
Look What The Dog Dragged In
18 A Draconian New Law Snuck Through This Month That Institutes Extreme Censorship of the Internet on a Global Basis
19 Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S. from Southern Border, Charged with Killing 11-Year-Old Aiden Clark
20 What Are They Hiding in Maui? Black Fencing Hides Fire-Ravaged Area
21 Through action and inaction, Hawaiian bureaucrats helped clear land in Maui
22 Maui's Top Emergency Officials Were on a Different Island for FEMA Disaster Training as Flames Flared
23 Tucker Carlson Reveals Feds HACKED His Signal Account to Snoop About Potential Putin Interview
24 The National Archives refuses to release 5,400 emails Biden sent using fake names
25 US Victim of Own Propaganda in Ukraine War
26 Topography Shapes The Battle Field - Abysmal Medical Service Causes Death
27 Götterdämmerung in the East
28 Zelensky Ultimatum to US & Europe: No Ukrainian Elections Unless You Cough Up More Money
29 Scott Ritter: The List Of Prigozhin’s Enemies Is Long
30 Libyan Protests Over Rumors of Normalization with Israel
31 Shocked by Niger coup, Victoria Nuland appeared “desperate” during Africa tour
32 India, a Reluctant BRICS Traveler
33 The Last Time A Foreign Military Threat Was Placed Near The US Border, The World Almost Ended CAITLIN JOHNSTONE
34 Using the Dictator's -- and the Mafia's -- Playbook
35 Craig Murray: Destitution Capitalism
36 On The Breeding Of Money
The Best Of American Thinker
38 Tyrants Make De-Tyrannification a Criminal Act?
39 Do We Have a ‘Neurotic’ Politics?
40 Eric Swalwell has a moment (in a public bathroom?) to film a video about Jacksonville shooting
41 AP asks what's the first word that comes to mind when one hears 'Joe Biden'
42 What really is 'racism'?
43 Image courtesy of Todd Schowalter Productions.
Worst Of The Babylon Bee
44 Retired Dr. Fauci Called Out Of Retirement For One Last Mask Mandate
45 Furious McCarthy Promises To Respond To Biden Corruption With Strongliest-Worded Letter Ever
46 Kid Suspended For Being In Possession Of History Book With U.S. Flag On Cover
47 Singer Nails National Anthem By Just Not Changing Any Of The Notes
48 Donald Trump’s Trial For Election Interference Set To Begin In Time To Interfere With Election
I'm Not A Doctor, But I Play One On GAW...Tweety51
1 IT'S ALL AN IQ TEST: Ten OBVIOUS Lessons Every Intelligent Person Should Have Learned from Covid 1.0 (that can save you from what's coming with Covid 2.0)
2 Lion's Mane Mushroom - Unparalleled Benefits for Your Brain and Nervous System
3 A Natural Antihistamine: Homeopathic Uses of Histaminum
4 Mask Toxicity
5 From A to Zinc: Guide to Nutrients, Vitamins and Supplements For Better Health From FLCCC
Not Quite brain_dead
1 Meet The Billionaire Who Built A Fortune ‘Price-Gouging’ Customers Like The Pentagon
2 160 people arrested on arson charges for Greek wildfires for which the media previously said climate change was to blame
3 New documentary ‘proves’ building offshore wind farms does kill whales
4 Alice Cooper DROPPED by Vampyre Cosmetics who market goth-themed makeup- after opposing trans surgeries for kids and claiming it was a 'fad'
PowderRoomPolitics...Presents...Animal Antics
1 Rescue Owlets First Sight Of New Forest Home
2 Squirrel's Tail All Tangled Up!
3 Wild Turkey Obsession
4 Adorable Comeback Kid - Badger!
5 I Love You More
6 The Power Of Mom
7 Leap Frog The Cat And The Lava Floor
8 Stray Runs For Miles Following Biking Couple
9 Cat Craves Crunching Cardboard
10 Winky The Rescue Fox - Giggles When She Sees Her Favorite Human
Meow Mix With The Missouri Wildcat Taffy333
1 How America Stole All Of Nazi Germany’s Technology After The War
2 Here's What Happens To "Climate Change" Protesters That Block The Roads In The US
3 Attorney Tom Renz caught the FDA, CDC and Pfizer misleading the entire world.
4 More Evidence of DEW, PLUS: List/Links Of Previous Lahaina DEW Attack Posts
5 World laughing at EU over Russia sanctions
6 Russia got richer even as the war in Ukraine raged on last year, while the West shed trillions of dollars of wealth
7 Tucker Carlson blasts ‘creep’ US ambassador...The former Fox News host has apologized to Hungarians for the behavior of Washington’s envoy to Budapest
8 The World Is Contemplating a Second Trump Administration
9 A Viable Realism and Revival Doctrine
10 BRICS countries will constitute more of the world economy in 2023 ($56 trillion) than the G7 ($52 trillion)
...Goodnight Newshounds...
Head Up
Eyes Forward
Hold The Line Patriots
Keep Calm
Howl On
There is so much to digest....
I've heard negative things about Frank Zappa but .. .
There is some truth within the propaganda/ far out happenings....
I think Donald John Trump is going to be a leader in the next 2-? Years
Post script - lolz too teh down dooot
...Frank was an interesting character, his spirit of nonconformity will never be disputed...
...compelling observations, nicely illustrated...