Is it conceivable that they were both there along with all the other movers and shakers of the day simply because it was the place to be at that time to discuss whatever over the course of whatever time length they might have been there. The giant owl statue aside, that weekend is one of probably a dozen per year with the same folks gathered with others they are attempting to convert to any number of agendas. Most of them could be a evil as Cain and some of them as pure as Abel. None of us KNOWS what is in the heart of any of us in the end. Anyway, my single vote for the presidency was for Reagan in 80. I am still not sold on Trump being all that different until the escalator ride, shortly before, well before, or from his youth. His actions speak more about who he is than any of the millions upon millions of photos of him over his 50 plus years in the ever growing limelight of his existence. The presstitutes used to give him good copy once upon a time you recall. A precious few still or now do as well. He started a movement. No doubt about that. I choose to believe it is the one he... or HE (read the Creator) intended.
Do remember work used to be enjoyable. You did your job, not stressed out and felt fulfillment at the end of the day. Sometimes you would stay for wine and cheese with your coworkers.
After Reagan, every day after work you felt like you got hit by a train. Workloads became stressful and work sucked.
He closed mental institutions and said they would open mental facilities for therapy. The mentally ill can live with their family and get treatment for mental health in the clinic. It didn't work. That's why we have so many crazy, homeless people.
He believed in "trickle-down-economics". The idea if the richer become more successful, their money would trickle down to us. It hasn't.
I was a liberal hippie student when Reagan was prez. I just thought he was stupid, until he said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" And I thought, wow, someone finally had the nerve to state the obvious.
Yup… Compromising Their Moral Values and Selling Themselves for Money… Mirrored Activities… The only Difference is Politicians have not only sold Themselves, They are selling Our Rights and Getting Our Money against Our Will …
He should know. Ronald Reagan at the Bohemian Grove with Nixon
Is it conceivable that they were both there along with all the other movers and shakers of the day simply because it was the place to be at that time to discuss whatever over the course of whatever time length they might have been there. The giant owl statue aside, that weekend is one of probably a dozen per year with the same folks gathered with others they are attempting to convert to any number of agendas. Most of them could be a evil as Cain and some of them as pure as Abel. None of us KNOWS what is in the heart of any of us in the end. Anyway, my single vote for the presidency was for Reagan in 80. I am still not sold on Trump being all that different until the escalator ride, shortly before, well before, or from his youth. His actions speak more about who he is than any of the millions upon millions of photos of him over his 50 plus years in the ever growing limelight of his existence. The presstitutes used to give him good copy once upon a time you recall. A precious few still or now do as well. He started a movement. No doubt about that. I choose to believe it is the one he... or HE (read the Creator) intended.
Do remember work used to be enjoyable. You did your job, not stressed out and felt fulfillment at the end of the day. Sometimes you would stay for wine and cheese with your coworkers.
After Reagan, every day after work you felt like you got hit by a train. Workloads became stressful and work sucked.
He closed mental institutions and said they would open mental facilities for therapy. The mentally ill can live with their family and get treatment for mental health in the clinic. It didn't work. That's why we have so many crazy, homeless people.
He believed in "trickle-down-economics". The idea if the richer become more successful, their money would trickle down to us. It hasn't.
About Reagan's hobbies - time will tell.
My exact thoughts.
Such an overrated president.
The "great communicator". And when he talked, he would tilt his head to the side and shake like he was having a seizure.
Everything went downhill with him and never recovered.
The Jury is definitely out and still in session on the man, But this Particular Statement is dead on…
I was a liberal hippie student when Reagan was prez. I just thought he was stupid, until he said "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" And I thought, wow, someone finally had the nerve to state the obvious.
yep pretty much they dress the same.........
What's the first?
Yup… Compromising Their Moral Values and Selling Themselves for Money… Mirrored Activities… The only Difference is Politicians have not only sold Themselves, They are selling Our Rights and Getting Our Money against Our Will …
Prostitution is sometimes called "to oldest profession."
Truth- just ask heel up!