Could this be a Parkinsonian feature? not necessarily Parkinson's disease as he doesn't have the tremor but some form of Parkinsonism - poor blinking, the masked facies, and the freezing. He even has to be helped away from the podium on both documented occasions. I also think his ambulation is also poor (poor arm swing, etc). He could be freezing on periods when his medications have stopped working , we call them "off" periods.
Alternatively some form of non-convulsive seizures. Retains some reactivity to some surrounding stimuli.
Could this be a Parkinsonian feature? not necessarily Parkinson's disease as he doesn't have the tremor but some form of Parkinsonism - poor blinking, the masked facies, and the freezing. He even has to be helped away from the podium on both documented occasions. I also think his ambulation is also poor (poor arm swing, etc). He could be freezing on periods when his medications have stopped working , we call them "off" periods.
Alternatively some form of non-convulsive seizures. Retains some reactivity to some surrounding stimuli.
He can only be cloned so many times before it starts to break down.