That system is falling apart. The "students" coming out of that system do not have the skills they need to complete in a real capitalist market. (Not all of course)
If they did have the skills and what they learned was good they would not need a student loan bailout.
The simple fix which the liberals cannot allow is easy.
End what Bill Clinton and the democrats did when they passed a law that made student loans a priority debt when it comes to bankruptcy. A debt that is almost impossible to discharge.
End that nonsense and higher Ed costs will drop like a rock. Why? Simple, banks will not be handing out loans like candy. Not if they have to take on the risk.
Without massive loans higher Ed will drop their prices or they will not have enough students to survive.
How many banks are going to hand out loans for degrees that have no real-life prospects of employment.
Banks and their officers have a fiduciary duty to protect shareholders. Handing out loans that can be expected to have a higher than average chance of failure will create major problems for those banks and officers.
So as I say, if they really cared about the students they would treat student loan debt like any other debt.
Of course that would be an adortion of the college new liberal birth system
HIgher Education is there new liberals are born.
That system is falling apart. The "students" coming out of that system do not have the skills they need to complete in a real capitalist market. (Not all of course)
If they did have the skills and what they learned was good they would not need a student loan bailout.
The simple fix which the liberals cannot allow is easy.
End what Bill Clinton and the democrats did when they passed a law that made student loans a priority debt when it comes to bankruptcy. A debt that is almost impossible to discharge.
End that nonsense and higher Ed costs will drop like a rock. Why? Simple, banks will not be handing out loans like candy. Not if they have to take on the risk.
Without massive loans higher Ed will drop their prices or they will not have enough students to survive.
How many banks are going to hand out loans for degrees that have no real-life prospects of employment.
Banks and their officers have a fiduciary duty to protect shareholders. Handing out loans that can be expected to have a higher than average chance of failure will create major problems for those banks and officers.
So as I say, if they really cared about the students they would treat student loan debt like any other debt.
Of course that would be an adortion of the college new liberal birth system