Due to the amazing reporting of Ben Wetmore and Patty McMurray and, of course, Jim Hoft over at the Gateway Pundit. This is the smoking gun, folks. It’s a smoking gun of widespread voter fraud in Michigan and also indicates widespread voter fraud across the country.
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸
The WH military has it all! Why not submit the evidence? The WH military has the Epstein organization targeted and staged for arrests but nothing happens! Time to red pill with real evidence! Give those asleep a chance to wake up! Great that Jan Halper Hayes came forward but once again only with words! You can’t complain about not enough people being awake when you are the one hugging the evidence! I listen to D. Johnston say WH military is in control then in my mind they are responsible for crimes of omission, for example, Hawaii! Time to produce hard evidence!
I am with you on this. It feels far too slow to make a difference. We need something hard hitting to wake people up, not a slow drip. There is an OCEAN of evidence we know about, and all normies see is a small puddle on the floor that they explain away. Probably just a leaky pipe. It's time for a biblical flood, not a slow drip. Slow drips get ignored, flooding does not. It is time.
However, perhaps waking up people isn't the best idea during a sting operation. I think a rude awakening will be in order very, very soon.
The flood is needed to cleanse the planet of evil. THAT is how it is biblical. Bring it on, because I'm feeling like Noah right about now.
It's my hope that the evidence will be presented in court, and when the "jury" ignores it, or the judge over-rules it, or tosses it but the American people see it... when GEOTUS goes to jail and over half the country knows it's injustice while the rest all cry tears of joy: that's the time for the WH military to show up at the jail and take charge. That's when the military trials can take place. Where more evidence can be shown. The real Cabal dark evidence and America can wake up en masse. Q created rumors. Jan is leaving bread crumbs for those asleep to follow, but God knows when the real evidence will be presented.
At least that's the movie I would right.