The jury is out for those who don't perceive that since the earth was warmer 10,000 years ago than it is now and yet has gone through Ice Ages since then that have spontaneously resolved into today's extremely pleasant and livable planetary climate means that humans have jack crap to do with adjusting the thermostat of planet Earth.
The jury is out for those whose lack of basic scientific knowledge prevents their understanding that the sun, oceans, and clouds are responsible for driving the climate on earth.
The jury is out for those who don't understand plants need CO2 to live; the more CO2 the more plants; and those are food for animals and people.
The jury is out for those who don't perceive that since the earth was warmer 10,000 years ago than it is now and yet has gone through Ice Ages since then that have spontaneously resolved into today's extremely pleasant and livable planetary climate means that humans have jack crap to do with adjusting the thermostat of planet Earth.
The jury is out for those whose lack of basic scientific knowledge prevents their understanding that the sun, oceans, and clouds are responsible for driving the climate on earth.
The jury is out for those who don't understand plants need CO2 to live; the more CO2 the more plants; and those are food for animals and people.
Plus, never again use 'billy' to mean billion ;)