IVM cured my severe GERD in the first month or so of taking it. I can now sleep lying down, no longer vomit stomach acid into my mouth, and can eat anything. (It only acts up if I eat too much sugar. Then, just the ol' baking soda and water remedy does the trick.) IVM also works for IBS. Not sure about SIBO ... you could do a dig using Presearch.com, which doesn't seem to censor info like the others.
They sell canned oysters at the store by me for a decent price, not as good as fresh though.
And I'm glad to hear that. Might have to check on doing this myself
I have no way of proving it, but I'm convinced it was the IVM that improved my energy level and got rid of the brain fog. That shit's amazing!
how's your digestion? I've been fighting some type of SIBO thing + gastritis from heavy beer consumption and currently things are a mess
IVM cured my severe GERD in the first month or so of taking it. I can now sleep lying down, no longer vomit stomach acid into my mouth, and can eat anything. (It only acts up if I eat too much sugar. Then, just the ol' baking soda and water remedy does the trick.) IVM also works for IBS. Not sure about SIBO ... you could do a dig using Presearch.com, which doesn't seem to censor info like the others.
Nice! Will check out presearch