Theres nothing like a very public fall from grace from under the wing of the dragon to capture the trust of the population.
Just a vigilant thought. Could be wrong. Fog of war.
Theres nothing like a very public fall from grace from under the wing of the dragon to capture the trust of the population.
Just a vigilant thought. Could be wrong. Fog of war.
Just curious. Lets say Tucker is some kind of a "controlled opposition". What exactly do you think he would do to sabotage us? Keep in mind that his primary role right now has been to talk to people and give them a platform to spread the truth to people. Are you afraid he would give platform to someone "bad" ? Or are you afraid that he would deny the platform to someone "good" ? Or that he would somehow go and do something else?
I'm only pointing the things I do not know. So far all he has done has been positive towards our cause, but sometimes when things seem perfect is when the teeth come out.
Specifically lately I would say his suggestions that Trump could be killed.
It could be cautious messaging or it could be suggestive messaging. Consider more his long history with media and combine that with the satanic rules that this community understands, that of announcing intentions.
We should always be wary and this was a reminder that struck me to post. Could be nothing, could be something. Fog of war.
I think a fake assassination is probably in the cards. He asked the question directly to Trump, so I dont sense anything nefarious there, except of course, that fake assassination happens, it will be painful but atleast we will know (Thanks to Tucker's question) that was all in the plan.
Always thought it may be a way to bring light to normies of what they are capable of.