What is the solution to this illegal taxation on EVERYTHING?
Property taxes, IRS, all of this bullshit.
We are being raped at every single point. Home ownership is a fucking scam, we don't own shit.
We don't own our cars. This Babylonian money magic system needs to fall. How do we combat this whole scam?
I'm sure there are so many of us who are struggling to get by while Ukrainians are getting billions. Look at Maui.
Once Trump gets back in, are things REALLY going to change? I read that sales tax can take care of everything, all costs and overhead to run the government.
Fuck this system.
The solution? As I see it we a Constitutional Amendment. That is the fix, but it is hard because we need 38 states to pass it. We need to get rid of yearly property taxes also. If anyone pays any kind of income tax it ought to be the super rich. I can hear it now 'without property taxes how are we gonna fund schools and the police'...here is an idea find a different way to fund it. And don't amp up the police pulling people over for nothing with extreme fines also. That is a no go. A small sales tax of 1%, and a tax on sales of property upon sale and that is it. No more income taxes, property taxes, fees, ect. I has gotten out of hand. No fishing and/or hunting or camping taxes either! No more of it cause all the government does is just launder it back into the politicians pockets and back into their donor's pockets. Pure theft.