I have very little patience at this point for people who ask "Well why don't we just arrest them all and be done with it?" and this post sums up why. The goal is not simply to take down Soros and his ilk. It is to first destroy the system that made Soros possible.

I have to admit, i'm one of these 'why not both?' people.
Regardless of who is operating Soros, if enough of their puppets get their strings cut the word will eventually get around to all other prospective recruits. And without a middleman proxy to act through for plausible deniability, you either flush the real villains out into the open.. or they are neutered enough that you have more time to build a more solid and complete strategy against them.
not really they are Hydra, the next on deck would just step up.
Turns out that's not as easy when fortunes are seized and the stream of cash flow followed.
When one says "I have it all", it is not saying "I have some".
Decapitating the hydra heads in this case would yield big results by buying time and taking a massive chunk of their power structure out.
Would it though? All it would do was make it harder to identify the next one springing up
I will reiterate:
"We have it all" does not mean "We have some". Things become difficult to spring up if you "have it all".
If you come after heads of central banking, all of the financiers, all of the major players in propaganda, springing up from nothing is impossible.
The only way it becomes possible is if you don't have it all, but we aren't even willing to concede this possibility so why do we use mental gymnastics to try and justify every loss we take while people die or lose their kids and our standing in the global stage shrinks down to nothing?
It's one of my biggest criticisms, and it extends far within the conservative movement as a whole. There is a lot of flip flopping and narrative formulation within our own side, and it's vexing when one of the whole points was to learn to resist narratives.
I will say that literally no one is immune to criticism. Literally. No one.