‘Democrats Agree’: Left and Right Team up to Fight Child Genital Mutilation . . . in COMMIEFORNIA
LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
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I was a democrat for years. Voted D in the 90s into early 2000s, then in 2006 voted Rep for house for first time, in 08 for McCain. I changed registration to Republican in 2017. Reason: The Democrat party doesn't represent the working people anymore and they support stupid things like child mutilation and the climate hoax. No Dems for me unless they change significantly. Trump changed the Republican party to the peoples party which was once the domain of D's since FDR. Something went way wrong in the 2000s.
...welcome aboard Patriot...
Honestly, both parties suck. The dems have lost their mind, and the 'pubs are hanging it over people's heads and doing fuckall about it while both parties fatten their wallets off of the taxpayers...
That being said, Trump got more done in four years than I've seen a president do in my lifetime.
Welcome Brother.