Yes & self appointed coroner. Recruited. Moving expenses paid to relocate. Put in place in advance for operations choreographing & containment purposes IMO, due to previous experience, and brought along his 2nd in command from LV.
They should have a new rule - similar to the rule to be president - that mayors & sheriffs have to be born in that city or county. They are much less likely to betray their own
This situation is the perfect reason why...
The sheriff is the only LEO potentially on your side, who has vowed to uphold the constitution.
Some do, some don't. Choose wisely.
Wasn't he the same sheriff from the last Vegas shooting?
Yes & self appointed coroner. Recruited. Moving expenses paid to relocate. Put in place in advance for operations choreographing & containment purposes IMO, due to previous experience, and brought along his 2nd in command from LV.
Officer Krupke and his merry coterie of b̶a̶n̶d̶i̶t̶s̶ bastards...
See? The shit runs so deep and thick - how the hell did I glaze over that little "factoid".
I totally forgot. Such is life navigating multiple psyops at once, right? CheeseIts
Thanks for that fren.
Incident commander
Probably paid off. Money talks, shit walks. I think the demons paid off the sheriff.
They should have a new rule - similar to the rule to be president - that mayors & sheriffs have to be born in that city or county. They are much less likely to betray their own
I agree. Not 5 years, at least 7
True but where will they go after? If they were born & grew up there it will still be harder. I'm not saying it's the only solution but it's something