So this is happening. Curious. How will an election fix this? How will Trump fix this? This is just another “grab” like 9-11 was. And even the donations to help fund the globalists. How can this be turned around? 9-11 won’t ever be. Our family members killed from vaccines won’t, can’t, be turned around. I’m still very interested on how we’re gonna fix all this.
The best is yet to come, is what I’m told. When you’ve lost almost everything, the best that can be offered is salvation. The only thing worth anything. My hope for the world is diminishing very quickly. I can just feel it. It’s pointless. I don’t feel like I’m a doomer. I feel like I’ve graduating to the next level. I honestly don’t know what the heck Trump is talking about anymore. I feel like I live in a different country. I barely trust anything anymore. Or what I’m told anyway. And I mean from anybody. I go to church and hear the message from Gods Word and that’s the only thing that works for me now. It’s like I’m being told, forget this pipe dream of “the plan”…and trust me.
So this is happening. Curious. How will an election fix this? How will Trump fix this? This is just another “grab” like 9-11 was. And even the donations to help fund the globalists. How can this be turned around? 9-11 won’t ever be. Our family members killed from vaccines won’t, can’t, be turned around. I’m still very interested on how we’re gonna fix all this. The best is yet to come, is what I’m told. When you’ve lost almost everything, the best that can be offered is salvation. The only thing worth anything. My hope for the world is diminishing very quickly. I can just feel it. It’s pointless. I don’t feel like I’m a doomer. I feel like I’ve graduating to the next level. I honestly don’t know what the heck Trump is talking about anymore. I feel like I live in a different country. I barely trust anything anymore. Or what I’m told anyway. And I mean from anybody. I go to church and hear the message from Gods Word and that’s the only thing that works for me now. It’s like I’m being told, forget this pipe dream of “the plan”…and trust me.
And I will Lord. You’re the only one I can trust.
Every day I am awake, I thank God. You put your faith there and you will be fine. God is the only trustworthy.