126 Rumor Mill.... there is supposedly a clone of trump and the black hats are going to do a fake assassination.. at this point in the game I wouldn't be surprised (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by Karmaskeeper81 1 year ago by Karmaskeeper81 +131 / -5 104 comments download share 104 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I think they mean double when they say clone.
Trump could just go on live camera and say "I'm still alive, don't know who that other guy was"
OP tweet is a joke
I find the Tweeter of this has no credibility. He's just throwing controversial things out there to gain attention. My 2c.
If it makes you feel any better, clones don’t have a soul. Meh, who am I kidding? I feel bad for it too. Hope it feels less pain than normal.
Massive amounts of deception in the end days. Find comfort in His Word every day and pray for protection of the righteous and innocent.
I think it's more like, "the receiver(brain) can pick up the signal (soul)"
If you double the receivers both of them will pick up the same signal.
Yeah, but what if the clone was supposed to pick up the dry cleaning and groceries for the house in that week of his assassination. This affects more than just you and me.