216 Wait, What? Even the CDC Now Admits That the Vaccinated Likely Have a Higher Risk of Infection With New Covid Variant (www.thegatewaypundit.com) 💊 COVID/VAXX RED PILL 💊 posted 1 year ago by ChiefWoody2021 1 year ago by ChiefWoody2021 +217 / -1 Wait, What? Even the CDC Now Admits That the Vaccinated Likely Have a Higher Risk of Infection With New Covid Variant | The Gate... As if the Covid Scamdemic couldn’t get any more absurd, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC is now admitting that the failed Covid “vaccine” causes those to receive it to be more susceptible to infection than someone who is unvaccinated – ju... 34 comments share 34 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I can't tell if you're being disingenuous or if you honestly don't understand the issue.