I been here doing this stuff for more than 30 years, I will be looking for a payout on the exit of the revealed mystery, you can count on that. I have been assure there will be a payout to those Soldiers, you know who you are and why you were called. Not called of Man, but of God to do what we do. He said, He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. This is Military(White Horse) & Biblical(Rider). I have only 1 leader and I only follow 1. Patriots are selfless, so was Jesus.
I been here doing this stuff for more than 30 years, I will be looking for a payout on the exit of the revealed mystery, you can count on that. I have been assure there will be a payout to those Soldiers, you know who you are and why you were called. Not called of Man, but of God to do what we do. He said, He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. This is Military(White Horse) & Biblical(Rider). I have only 1 leader and I only follow 1. Patriots are selfless, so was Jesus.
Amen to that. We know this fight is about good vs. evil and God wins. When you trust in the Lord, you're on the winning side.