posted ago by MemeToDeath2021 ago by MemeToDeath2021 +32 / -1

Assumption: Replace McCarthy with Trump; Most likely will occur if they try to make Trump ineligible and/or remove him from ballot either generally or via rigged RINO primary. Watch SCOTUS decision October 9th [14th Amendment ruling expected].


  1. Gives Trump effective public oversight and budget authority over DOJ and all Federal Agencies weaponized against him for 4x indictments. Hunters become the hunted...

  2. Raises risk to DS of Trump becoming POTUS or Acting POTUS prior to 2024 Election. He can serve remainder of Biden term and still be eligible for 2nd full term. Lefties will lose their minds if this happens...Reeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  3. May constrain DS from removing Biden with 25th Amendment and making Kamala “Acting President” because she is ineligible to serve as POTUS (not natural born). Attempting to install her may trigger military move or create a situation where VP slot is vacant until 2024, putting Trump one move away from GAME STOP.

  4. Forcing Biden to remain POTUS while optically in very bad “corruption position” drives more Dems over to Trump the longer it lasts, including extended impeachment inquiry...drip...drip...flood...

  5. Keeping Biden as POTUS and “running in 2024” automatically sabotages or “runs out the clock” on HRC or Michelle Obama trying to sneak in to Dem nomination. It also helps RFK Jr continue to peel off Dems from Biden and DINOs. How do you sneak one in...without too much exposure risk?

  6. Forcing Dems to “keep Biden” longer than they want after they already made media moves setting up his removal, makes the media look dumb and forces them to take “extreme action” to get rid of Biden and blame on MAGA extremists...the Shadow gov’t bear is being poked.

  7. Moving Trump into 3rd in line to POTUS raises the stakes and may force the Intel agency “fake assassination” operation, exposing both them and the media when Trump turns up safe and sound giving a speech on TV. Direct connection to JFK operation for braindead normies...

This move appears to need some “triggering move” by the Deep State to force its usage, but we might be getting closer to that point.

Trump can be elected as Speaker with a majority vote of Republican House members. He does not need to be an elected Rep to be eligible. In this case he would be a non-voting 439th member of the House with control over all activities of the House of Representatives, Capitol Police, and the Washington D.C. “foreign state” per the Organic Act of 1871.