Give the slaves their opium and they will do ANYTHING for it. It's a big list. Video games, TV, sports, ext. There is idolatry in all of this and I believe is the root cause of God's anger right now.
My son was vax injured over 20 years ago, before there was social media. It was the Internet that helped me heal him. Which led me to waking up. Had I not found other parents going through I would be fully asleep with a grown son unable to care for himself.
Give the slaves their opium and they will do ANYTHING for it. It's a big list. Video games, TV, sports, ext. There is idolatry in all of this and I believe is the root cause of God's anger right now.
Without technology we wouldn't be here on this board.
We wouldn't need this board.
My son was vax injured over 20 years ago, before there was social media. It was the Internet that helped me heal him. Which led me to waking up. Had I not found other parents going through I would be fully asleep with a grown son unable to care for himself.
Thanks for sharing this.