This is how we get our country back. Everyone below the elite level (local, state, federal government) must stop following unconstitutional directives. The law of the US starts with our Constitution. Any law or mandate that conflicts with our (the people's) Constitution is null and void.
Bernalillo sheriff won’t comply with temporary New Mexico gun ban.
“I have reservations regarding this order. The temporary ban challenges the foundation of our Constitution, which I swore an oath to uphold.”
The people serving in the boarder patrol must stop listening to Mayorkas. We have established laws, passed by congress, regarding US boarder policy. Noone in the Executive branch has any authority to direct our boarder patrol to ignore those laws.
Everyone below the elite level (local, state, federal government) must stop following unconstitutional directives.
Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.
Starting to understand now. Just as you said along with Q's post, people have to start participating. The people have to learn that THEY/WE have the power to get involved and CHANGE things. I see it over on superstonk, they are pushing for reform, they are writing letters, leaving comments to the SEC. Laws are being changed due to the pressure the people are pushing on them. Whether they enforce the laws or not, is besides the point, it IS something. Apes are also learning the rules, studying how they are fraudulently manipulating the market and GME. Never has there been a movement like this. Occupy Wall Street was just some protests, which was a start, but it didn't change anything. GME investors are pulling their shares out from DTCs hands and registering their shares in their own names. That is ACTION (participation). Once this is all over, people will remember they had to take action in order to fight back. The history books will tell the stories in all areas where people took action.
To quote the good witch in Wizard of Oz:
Oh, will you help me? Can you help me?
You don't need to be helped any longer.
You've always had the power to go back to
I have?
Then why didn't you tell her before?
Because she wouldn't have believed me. She
had to learn it for herself.
Man, this part of the movie sounds like what Q was saying.
The thing I never liked about that meme is it's old white men on the backs of blacks when the reality is that it's people of all colors sitting at the table and underneath it.
Exactly, when we do not comply with illegal orders and demand her resignation or she be impeached this will stop. Only Martial Law suspends the Constitution in the past..
This is how we get our country back. Everyone below the elite level (local, state, federal government) must stop following unconstitutional directives. The law of the US starts with our Constitution. Any law or mandate that conflicts with our (the people's) Constitution is null and void.
Bernalillo sheriff won’t comply with temporary New Mexico gun ban. “I have reservations regarding this order. The temporary ban challenges the foundation of our Constitution, which I swore an oath to uphold.”
The people serving in the boarder patrol must stop listening to Mayorkas. We have established laws, passed by congress, regarding US boarder policy. Noone in the Executive branch has any authority to direct our boarder patrol to ignore those laws.
Sometimes you cannot tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change [to participate].
We, the People, have been betrayed for a very long time.
Starting to understand now. Just as you said along with Q's post, people have to start participating. The people have to learn that THEY/WE have the power to get involved and CHANGE things. I see it over on superstonk, they are pushing for reform, they are writing letters, leaving comments to the SEC. Laws are being changed due to the pressure the people are pushing on them. Whether they enforce the laws or not, is besides the point, it IS something. Apes are also learning the rules, studying how they are fraudulently manipulating the market and GME. Never has there been a movement like this. Occupy Wall Street was just some protests, which was a start, but it didn't change anything. GME investors are pulling their shares out from DTCs hands and registering their shares in their own names. That is ACTION (participation). Once this is all over, people will remember they had to take action in order to fight back. The history books will tell the stories in all areas where people took action.
To quote the good witch in Wizard of Oz:
Man, this part of the movie sounds like what Q was saying.
It also reminds me of this old meme:
Perhaps thats why Flynn said "there is no plan" a long time ago...
And then recently the @Q user on TS said "There is no masterplan. We the people are the plan."
The thing I never liked about that meme is it's old white men on the backs of blacks when the reality is that it's people of all colors sitting at the table and underneath it.
There's a few white dudes underneith no?
Keeping oaths.
Exactly, when we do not comply with illegal orders and demand her resignation or she be impeached this will stop. Only Martial Law suspends the Constitution in the past..