Two words: Plausible Deniability
People like General Flynn and Jan Halper may be privy to certain elements of the plan, but they are hampered by NDAs to prevent leaks.
Anons can FREELY navigate the intelligence drops and disseminate accordingly. We are UNHAMPERED by any NDAS/clearances/etc.
Anons are the meat and potatoes of the fight, as the enemy is overwhelmed with the amount of individuals that are learning things they want hidden. This takes the heat off the generals/individuals with clearance.
Ghosts in the machine are secretly here as "anons"(what a perfect plan)
You all should be extremely proud to be participating in the greatest operation of our time.
Go to X and drop truth bombs with popular hashtags--if there's a Grammy Awards ceremony on tv for instance, or climatecrisis--use those hashtags. People need to stumble on information to get out of their echo chamber.