In my youth these people were not seen in public, and if so, they were part of a circus freak show or something like that. They would never be hired for anything official, and certainly not something involving children.
I posted about this last week.
Convicted of child porn already as a school teacher in Tulsa.
It is the Principal of an Elementary School in West oklahoma City in the Western Heights school district.
You know, my understanding is that certain behaviors are imbedded in the psyche.
Some 'behaviors' are often unfixable brain mis-wiring. If the bad actor did something malevolent once and enjoyed it or benefitted from it, they are at risk for considering it and acting on it again in the future.
Some examples:
Someone who tortured animals as a child is a psychopath and cannot truly be trusted to care for animals, children or vulnerable elderly unsupervised in the future.
Someone who was OK with stealing from their employer or shoplifting items as a youth might also be a risky employee or future spouse as an adult as their moral compass is skewed and their past decisions show willingess to cheat/rob others.
Then there are addictions like alcoholism. Once an alcoholic, even if sober for years, they must abstain totally and be vigilant or be at risk for regression.
The fact that he currently moonlights as a Drag Queen tells me that he has NOT abandoned his earlier kinks of sexual perversion, thus it is not a stretch to assume his prior child porn interests have NOT gone away.
In my youth these people were not seen in public, and if so, they were part of a circus freak show or something like that. They would never be hired for anything official, and certainly not something involving children.
These people are sick!
We will get him out,just wait.
I posted about this last week. Convicted of child porn already as a school teacher in Tulsa. It is the Principal of an Elementary School in West oklahoma City in the Western Heights school district.
You know, my understanding is that certain behaviors are imbedded in the psyche.
Some 'behaviors' are often unfixable brain mis-wiring. If the bad actor did something malevolent once and enjoyed it or benefitted from it, they are at risk for considering it and acting on it again in the future.
Some examples:
The fact that he currently moonlights as a Drag Queen tells me that he has NOT abandoned his earlier kinks of sexual perversion, thus it is not a stretch to assume his prior child porn interests have NOT gone away.