24 Year old redditor can't figure out why his heart has the health of a 70 year old after taking two shots of Pfizer's bioweapon, blames looong covid instead.

The other comments are brilliant.
They have created a new lifestyle of vitimhood!
It's one huge "Pity Party"!
They have learned nothing in all this time of meditation that may help them if they haven't damaged their immunity beyond repair!
Vaxx quacks: you have to take this vaccine because some people are immunocompromised.
Me: they got immunocompromised by vaccines, so they can deal with the consequences. Im not going to risk my good health with vaccine quackery just to coddle some other moron who destroyed his health with vaccine quackery.
I totally agree, fren. It's mind numbingly disturbing when you hear the twisted logic of these misguided creatures. You almost have to slap yourself to see if it's only a bad dream.
But they're the smartest people on the Internet. Just ask them...
That's exactly what the vaxxed redditers I know tell me.
They continually warn me to be very careful on the internet and only use Google!
They warn me to avoid anything to do with those Qanon conspiracy Theorists.
Of cause I have to bite my tongue as it's beyond pointless to even attempt to reason with them.
They are unfortunately in the lost 4-6%.
They'll learn soon enough, then they'll have a very steep learning curve all about the Illuminati, Deep State, Depopulation and other interesting subjects!
^ This ^ Couldn't put my finger on it, but this is exactly how I feel. I may be a little sympathetic, but for me, I'm a hard no.
libtards are always the victim.