Rabbi Dov Zakheim << Search this Israeli dual citizen Neocon on Yandex
Pentagon Comptroller looking for the $2.3 Trillion
Signer of the PNAC -- Project for New American Century, that called for a 'Pearl Harbor like Event' to fast track US Military intervention in the Middle East
Member, Board of Directors at Raytheon
CEO Securacom -- Took over Security at the WTC immediately after the 1993 Bombing
Forgot to mention the front company called Urban Moving systems out of jersey, this company was an Israeli operated company that got funding exclusively from the pentagon, and was the demolition crew in charge of placing the bombs inside WTC 1 and 2. Urban moving systems was conducting cleaning and refurbishing operations at night exclusively inside WTC1 and 2. This was the demolition chargers being placed to carry the contorted demolition. Shorty after 9/11 urban moving systems was demolished and disappeared.
I had a whole database with yearly taxes on their end and the proof for federal government funding was in their IRS fillings. No outside income sources, all money was directly from pentagon payments. Sadly my computer was hacked and that database was mysteriously gone.
Rabbi Dov Zakheim << Search this Israeli dual citizen Neocon on Yandex
Pentagon Comptroller looking for the $2.3 Trillion
Signer of the PNAC -- Project for New American Century, that called for a 'Pearl Harbor like Event' to fast track US Military intervention in the Middle East
Member, Board of Directors at Raytheon
CEO Securacom -- Took over Security at the WTC immediately after the 1993 Bombing
Forgot to mention the front company called Urban Moving systems out of jersey, this company was an Israeli operated company that got funding exclusively from the pentagon, and was the demolition crew in charge of placing the bombs inside WTC 1 and 2. Urban moving systems was conducting cleaning and refurbishing operations at night exclusively inside WTC1 and 2. This was the demolition chargers being placed to carry the contorted demolition. Shorty after 9/11 urban moving systems was demolished and disappeared.
remember their logo?
I had a whole database with yearly taxes on their end and the proof for federal government funding was in their IRS fillings. No outside income sources, all money was directly from pentagon payments. Sadly my computer was hacked and that database was mysteriously gone.
Here's Urban Moving Systems logo: