The man quite literally would've given up being the Tom Brady/Michael Jordan of tennis, all because of his principles in not getting vaccinated.
It's timeless legend status, history books, names in debates for the next century. It's multi-hundred-million dollar deals, generational wealth that will last for hundreds of years of managed correctly. It's comfort, security, and everything. And he was willing to give it up all to not get vaxxed.
We should be celebrating this more.
The man quite literally would've given up being the Tom Brady/Michael Jordan of tennis, all because of his principles in not getting vaccinated.
It's timeless legend status, history books, names in debates for the next century. It's multi-hundred-million dollar deals, generational wealth that will last for hundreds of years of managed correctly. It's comfort, security, and everything. And he was willing to give it up all to not get vaxxed.
A true hero.