posted ago by WarMind ago by WarMind +179 / -2

From the date the fire on Maui was made public I noticed an increase in professional opinions here, regarding the events. Many new accounts and not so new accounts came out in full force giving cookie cutter explanations for what happened, including some who claim to have worked on DEW. Or saying that lasers couldn’t be the cause of the fire, while also ignoring that visible lasers are not the only form of DEW capability. Some use lasers, some use microwaves, some use gamaray, some use pressure waves/sound, some use X-rays.. but they all focused in on lasers and why there was no way it could have been that. Reminds me of the guy in the black shirt doing that interview on the street shortly after the World Trade Center collapse, dude had the entire scripted story ready to go while people where still trying to make sense of what happened.