As much as I want a re-investigation, at this stage it's almost a lost cause because there's now bigger things to deal with.
But during my time in examining 9/11 (and i spent a good number of years) I've found some of the informative videos are:
"September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor"
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
The above series is LONG and IN DEPTH. You will learn a ton. More details on this 5h series here:
9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out:
60m video:
The above video by architects and engineers forms the basis of a scientific reason for a re-investigation.
University Alaska Fairbanks research
The above is some research that UAF did to determine: did WTC7 fall due to fire? ultimately they answered: it was impossible for it to fall due to fire.
The Asch Experiment
This is a funny, but sad video: which explains the science behind why so many normies refuse to go with the truth (and prefer to follow the crowd and believe a lie).
You right about bigger things to deal with, and that is the typical modus operandi. Commit an evil act, and before it can be investigated move to another evil act that dominate the the forefront.
Reminds me of when my brother told me he was a bikini contest judge at a boat show. He said the first girl came out, and he marked her a 9 on a scale from 1 - 10. Couldn't be anyone finer than her was his thinking. Then the next girl came out, and he had to erase the mark for the first girl and pencil in the second. By the time the last girl came out, he had moved the first to girls, and to or three more down several slots and had nearly erased holes clean through his score card.
It is a tremendous shame that so many people are still self-walled off from the truth simply because it would shatter their sense of comfort. And that has got us to a place that I am not sure we can over overcome the forces aligned against us.
It's a damn shame. All the people that gave their lives for this country in what they believed was a fight for freedom when they were fighting for an illusion of freedom, and the very power structure they fault to preserve was the evil that was working to destroy us.