According to several Q posts, Flynn know where all the bodies are buried.
On 9-11, it was reported by independent journalists that all four airplanes flew into Westbrook Air Force Base in Portland, Maine in the 9-11 ruse. What happened to all the crew members & passengers on those planes?
Is it remotely possible that General Mike Flynn knew of the CIA-False Flag event of 9-11 and KNOWS WHERE ALL THE BODIES ARE BURIED? The bodies of all those crew & passengers from those flights as part of their nefarious false flag agenda.
Is this why they had to get rid of Flynn? Remember Obama said to Trump as president elect; US biggest fears are Russia & Flynn.
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Probably one of the most important telephone call's made which could show that, was made by the flight attendant CeeCee Lyles to her husband. He states he knew she wasn't flying as previously she could never call when in the air as the cell phones then could never have made the connection. Not just because of the height but because the cell towers could never keep up with the handover procedure as the signal weakens from one cell tower and hands over to the next tower to keep the signal active. At the speeds of the aircraft, and height, and the technology back then the signal would have simply dropped.
CeeCee Lyles was in a static location when she made that call. Most likely a hangar somewhere.
Listening carefully to what she says at the end of the call, you will hear her say in a whisper "It's a frame".
Also the lack of aircraft noise, or any background hum or what you would expect to hear when calling from a aircraft in flight.
Listen hear: