So .... where's all this fire the jet fuel is creating that melted the beams? If it were that hot (1400degF) anywhere within 75 ft of those people, you would not have seen them waving for so long.
Staged or not, this day robbed me of my cousin who was FDNY, last knowocation 14th floor South Tower, and my Father's health, FDNY, who was there for 3 days before he came home to shower, sleep for 2 hours and go back to keep digging through the rubble for survivors. My Dad has permanent lung damage from that day. Whoever, however this event was executed, may God judge you straight to the gates of Hell!
These souls, all tho they still live on, and no longer suffer from this, they left others who do suffer from it. And they deserve justice.
So .... where's all this fire the jet fuel is creating that melted the beams? If it were that hot (1400degF) anywhere within 75 ft of those people, you would not have seen them waving for so long.
Staged or not, this day robbed me of my cousin who was FDNY, last knowocation 14th floor South Tower, and my Father's health, FDNY, who was there for 3 days before he came home to shower, sleep for 2 hours and go back to keep digging through the rubble for survivors. My Dad has permanent lung damage from that day. Whoever, however this event was executed, may God judge you straight to the gates of Hell!
Perpetrator's heads must roll.