Obama's DOB: 8/4/61
Time the plane crashed into first tower: 8:46
Would love our symbology experts to chime in on this, as I haven't seen any discussion on this before.
Obama's DOB: 8/4/61
Time the plane crashed into first tower: 8:46
Would love our symbology experts to chime in on this, as I haven't seen any discussion on this before.
I don't know if it will help, but here are important events that happened on 8/4:
Obama on 9/11:
Isn't it funny how often that happens with Obama. None of his Harvard classmates ever remember seeing him in the room and apparently no one in the room remember seeing Obama there watching 9/11 unfold with him, but the official story is that he was "there".
So he didn't wear the US flag to show unity, but just to hide.
Actually you CAN change a name if you want. It's paperwork, but if you think it would HURT your run for office you can every easily change a name. For example you could take your wife's last name.
Ah, but it seems like Obama and his cronies LIKED that his name rhymed with Osama Bin Laden.
They didn't just have named that rhymed, they actually looked similar as well. It looks like they had Obama's role very planned out. O[b/s]ama.