As they shit themselves at the end of the gallows, as they convulse in death-throes and their vision goes black unto sheol- i propose they don their masks. They may feel safer as they perish. Fucking bitch do you realize we all fucking hate you and your ilk and pray daily that God of The Ancient Days would destroy you all. You have sided with satan so i for one offer you no prayers for redemption. Call me a shitty Believer but fuck you and your antichrist agenda. I pray God kill you quick fast for mercy’s sake thats the best i can do. AFTER THAT GO BURN FUCKERS
As they shit themselves at the end of the gallows, as they convulse in death-throes and their vision goes black unto sheol- i propose they don their masks. They may feel safer as they perish. Fucking bitch do you realize we all fucking hate you and your ilk and pray daily that God of The Ancient Days would destroy you all. You have sided with satan so i for one offer you no prayers for redemption. Call me a shitty Believer but fuck you and your antichrist agenda. I pray God kill you quick fast for mercy’s sake thats the best i can do. AFTER THAT GO BURN FUCKERS