The white hats are conducting the controlled demolition of the entire fucking temple.
White hats needed to install someone (actor) as a bluff and scapegoat so it APPEARS that everything falling apart is the fault of Biden, yet it is intentional to restore the Republic.
Yet... It's all the plan to destroy their ""
Think about it differently.
The white hats are conducting the controlled demolition of the entire fucking temple.
White hats needed to install someone (actor) as a bluff and scapegoat so it APPEARS that everything falling apart is the fault of Biden, yet it is intentional to restore the Republic.
Yet... It's all the plan to destroy their ""
Most dasting.
Well, the real one was, but what you see now is not the real Biden. Good guys are in control.
Never attribute to incompetence that which can be attributed to malice. All incompetence is malicious when playing with people's lives.
There aren't any consequences or penalties for incompetence in government, which is why they hide behind it.
Time to uninstall.