Nothing will be really new to you, nor ground breaking. I just decided to reread the last Q postings, just to see what was worth them talking about before going off comms once again. Why did they come back when they did? What did they choose to talk about? Why does it matter? At the time the topics seemed all over the place, talking about a woman I never heard of, or of topics we already knew, but in retrospect and as a whole big picture look, it's very interesting: Jan 6, abortion, black population, Biden, Ukraine, elections, the Fed, false prophets, human DNA... those are pretty interesting topics that Q touches and then immediately moves on. This tells me they want us to focus on these topics, and what's being done, and that they're working to take control or they're already in control.
Anyway, I'm sure smarter, more autistic pedes than I have pontificated thoroughly, but here's some thoughts or things that stood out to me:
Cassidy Hutchinson. She seems like a plant by the Q team. Not sure her real role yet, but some sort of subversion with her testimony. She's young, and must be very brave to go through this plan. I'm wondering if she was deemed patriotic and intelligent enough to be tapped. Interestingly enough, she's releasing a book called "Enough" this month.
Roe V Wade. The fact that abortion is such a big deal is confirmation of the religious movement behind Q. Q continually mentions God, faith, prays, and asks for prayer. I think at this point many of us believe God is guiding and blessing Trump and Q team. Also shows how the Supreme Court is controlled enough by Q to pass this.
Black population. Another interesting standout in the same Roe v Wade post is rereading it, it seems to be addressing the black population here in the US. I believe they are the "generations of a populace" mentioned. If true then Q is stating the Democrats have lied to, conditioned, and weaponized the black population, hence the line "riots and protests." Q is saying when Democrats feel backed into a corner, will the antagonize the black population to riot?
Hunter Biden/Ukraine. Nothing new here that hasn't already been exhausted by other posts.
Midterm election. Obviously wasn't the red tsunami we all expected, even the news. But maybe that's the point? Forced what's left of the cabal to play their hand in order to win what elections they could. "White hats have secured many systems, but problems still remain." I think we all hope patriots are in control, while also understanding there are still agents in positions that are fighting against them. Also thought this was interesting
Setting the stage?
Watch carefully.
Everything is setting up for a later date, like a movie sets up the story for the big moment.
ENDLESS/Federal Reserve. Endless wars, propaganda, money printing, etc, all mentioned in one post. Then in the very next one basically states that the Fed is the cause of all the endless problems we face. Also states that market bubbles, crashes, are caused by the Fed as a way to steal from us.
False prophets tbh I'm not entirely sure on these ones, so I won't try to expand on them. I did see replies that are stating, "since when does Q say 'I'" showing how the new Q posts seem different, something I agree with, but also understand the first 1000 or so Q posts are written very different from the rest. But those are the groundwork posts, everything else was adapting to the ever-changing situation once Q plan was unfolding
Q & A? Nothing revealing here other than how fun will it be to finally get some answers? I would love to read a multi-part book that went into detail of everything we saw and didn't see.
DNA: perhaps the most ominous of the topics Q touched on before leaving us once again, and perhaps the most important. Some pedes here believe there is a "God gene" that links us to God, helps us feel His presence or have faith in Him. Biblically I'm not sure I theologically agree on that, but it's hard to deny something deeper isn't trying to be explained by this last Q post. Some pedes think the post has to do with the cabal patenting your DNA and the information in it, perhaps trying to monetize healthy DNA as a subscription model (they're already trying to tax us to go outside with vaccines and climate, why not tax our DNA?) Also, it's not just a matter of DNA, but "repressed" which is an interesting word choice. There is something called 'gene repression ' so perhaps Q is stating that the cabal has repressed the genes in the population. Q also uses very power imagery here: war for your DNA, protect your DNA. And then ends with Ascension.
Ascension. This one word can be searched for and bring up a myriad of theories, like a specific island, or human evolution (to keep up with the trend of repressed DNA). Q does use Ascension in a post just before this last one, right after saying FOCUS, twice. There could be religious connotations of Jesus "Ascension" perhaps the idea of joining God? I will say that right before Jesus Ascension, He gives the Great Commission, which is to share the gospel everywhere. It does fall in line with the Q words "you have seen the truth, time to show the world, focus" then ascension. And Qs last words are Ascension, perhaps indicating that they are once again leaving, but not gone (as Jesus ascended but is close to us still).
Anyway, those are my musings. Thanks for letting me ramble.
They talk about storing data in dna. It’s represented by letters right? Could there be something in there we need to look at?
Sorry they being current projects being done in labs
Not really a they