My son just had a child ,and has asked me to help him research what is needed . Which ones are necessary? Obviously the clot shot is out..... I thought id come to my family here to get some help. Thank you frens.
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I recommend that when the parents reject the shots, they already have a family practioner lined up (rather than a pediatrician). That way they can tell the hospital staff, "We respect our doctor's opinion and are going to follow his (or her) doctor's orders and not vaccinate our child until he (or she) is a bit older. Our family suffers from autoimmune disorders, so our doctor recommended we postpone the immunizations".
Never, never tell the hospital that you do not believe in vaccinations. Never, never say you researched it and decided not to vaccinate. Always say you are following doctor's orders, and that you respect your child's doctor's opinion.
Also, saying the immunizations will be postponed (rather than rejected altogether) is smart.
I know of several families who were chased down by CPS for handling this the wrong way. The families were under investigation by CPS for six months!
One more thing. Children do not need a pediatrician unless they need a surgeon. Pediatricians work for Big Pharm, not for the patient. Well, they work for both, but their job is to give your child all the shots recommended by the CDC.