Interesting, this idea of someone being raised as a different person.
Reinhardt Geirhardsraider is a Rockefeller.
Speaking of 'hanky-panky' with Hanks:
Abraham Enloe, for example, was raised by the Lincoln family, butt was reared by Josh Speed. A tryst with the King of Bavaria's daughter, Sophie produced twin daughters to be raised by the Hughes family. One of those had a child who's name on the birth certificate was simply '88'. The first 'H' for Howard.
The number 8 and the letter H are synonymous/related.
This is why some call 88 a 'hate symbol' as 'Heil Hitler'.
Seven stages, then repeat of the root in sympathetic vibration, aka 'The Ogdoad' See Mike Flynn's 'Seven Rays'.
Interesting, this idea of someone being raised as a different person.
Reinhardt Geirhardsraider is a Rockefeller.
Speaking of 'hanky-panky' with Hanks:
Abraham Enloe, for example, was raised by the Lincoln family, butt was reared by Josh Speed. A tryst with the King of Bavaria's daughter, Sophie produced twin daughters to be raised by the Hughes family. One of those had a child who's name on the birth certificate was simply '88'. The first 'H' for Howard.