That is one of my favorite things about Trump, he honestly can say I've done nothing wrong.
That is the breastplate of righteousness, part of the Armor of God we are to put on every day.
That is one of my favorite things about Trump, he honestly can say I've done nothing wrong.
That is the breastplate of righteousness, part of the Armor of God we are to put on every day.
Devil's Advocate:
Why did he still defend the advocacy of the jab to Meghan Kelly stating he saved millions and millions of lives?
He remains adamant it was the right choice and he continues to vouch for the jab to this day. He won't admit getting the jab is concerning..
This stance he holds closely concerns me.
I can't make an excuse for that. He seems compartmentalized, he states one political stance for a political reason, not making a choice about the side effects.
Good point. It's theater.