💥 Why wasn’t this news?...
Silence in the Mainstream....
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
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I think that one of the reasons that they did this was to attempt to salvage SSI & Medicare because they couldn't keep their hands out of that cookie jar, either. Well that and the fact that they're doling it out like candy to frigging illegal immigrants.
I agree that may be their thought process, but having an internal logical consistency is only convincing to the mad men inside that bubble of delusion.
Eventually, reality awakens them out of their delusion, whether by societal or monetary collapse or a large angry man bearing a machete, their moment of awakening will coincide with a reckoning from those of us on the outside of their echo chamber of logical consistencies. What they call progression we call madness.
Example, Today I identify as a VHS tape ... be kind please rewind. And do not tell me I am not a VHS tape , I have a VCR from 1996 that loves me and tells me I am god amongst mere Beta Maxians!
You never cease to amaze me. Intelligence without arrogance is a beautiful thing.