This is one of those commentaries where EVERY WORD just expounds on the truth of the Gospel. We often think that when Jesus prayed in the Garden it was the physical death He was thinking about...but can you imagine the sinless Son of God taking on the sin of the ENTIRE WORLD? How humbling to consider that sacrifice and love...He became sin FOR US. Romans is so powerful and down to earth. I love the chapters that SovereignSon posted. How anyone could not accept what Jesus did on the cross is beyond me. How powerful is that one act of love...
"As the believer's substitute, He paid the price for our sins and rendered us forgiven."
Thank you for posting..."Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might..."
This is one of those commentaries where EVERY WORD just expounds on the truth of the Gospel. We often think that when Jesus prayed in the Garden it was the physical death He was thinking about...but can you imagine the sinless Son of God taking on the sin of the ENTIRE WORLD? How humbling to consider that sacrifice and love...He became sin FOR US. Romans is so powerful and down to earth. I love the chapters that SovereignSon posted. How anyone could not accept what Jesus did on the cross is beyond me. How powerful is that one act of love...
"As the believer's substitute, He paid the price for our sins and rendered us forgiven."
Thank you for posting..."Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might..."