The link on Telegram was removed, but there was a guy that said that a frequency was going to be discharged that would react with Graphene. It is suggested to turn off all devices from 14:00 for a couple of hours. Conspiracy theories, again, seem to come true, so who knows? The reports of the Emergency Personnel appearing to be in a trance during Lahaina has been, seemingly, connected to frequencies. The dude on the Telegram post said that if enough people know about it, then it will be postponed to October 11, same time.
If they're sending a signal that's intended to interact with the Graphene in the shots then it won't matter if your devices are on or not. If that's the case, then you'll need to sit in some sort of Faraday bag to protect yourself if you're full of Graphene.
The link on Telegram was removed, but there was a guy that said that a frequency was going to be discharged that would react with Graphene. It is suggested to turn off all devices from 14:00 for a couple of hours. Conspiracy theories, again, seem to come true, so who knows? The reports of the Emergency Personnel appearing to be in a trance during Lahaina has been, seemingly, connected to frequencies. The dude on the Telegram post said that if enough people know about it, then it will be postponed to October 11, same time.
Just a rumour? Who knows anymore?
If they're sending a signal that's intended to interact with the Graphene in the shots then it won't matter if your devices are on or not. If that's the case, then you'll need to sit in some sort of Faraday bag to protect yourself if you're full of Graphene.
Graphene is in the jab ?
Many researchers say so. Some say they've even started adding it to our food supply.
Thank you.