Beware of deception. I don't know who is deceived, who is a traitor, who is on our side and has infiltrated the MAGA movement to derail it. I do know what the Bible teaches and the Number ONE sign of the End Times is deception. Have faith that God is in the ultimate control and stay close to Jesus because YOU don't want to miss being saved from the wrath to come. The "earth dwellers" hope for a utopia on earth and utopia only comes when Jesus rules on this earth as King of Kings. Be a sojourner knowing YOUR kingdom is not of this world. Knowing God uses a play on words, He inspired Paul to write, "at the last TRUMP, the trumpet will sound" and Jesus said as in the days of Noah. We have a Trump and we have a Noah with the WEC that wants AI to write a new religion for the NWO. Funny how things are in your face and you don't see it.
Beware of deception. I don't know who is deceived, who is a traitor, who is on our side and has infiltrated the MAGA movement to derail it. I do know what the Bible teaches and the Number ONE sign of the End Times is deception. Have faith that God is in the ultimate control and stay close to Jesus because YOU don't want to miss being saved from the wrath to come. The "earth dwellers" hope for a utopia on earth and utopia only comes when Jesus rules on this earth as King of Kings. Be a sojourner knowing YOUR kingdom is not of this world. Knowing God uses a play on words, He inspired Paul to write, "at the last TRUMP, the trumpet will sound" and Jesus said as in the days of Noah. We have a Trump and we have a Noah with the WEC that wants AI to write a new religion for the NWO. Funny how things are in your face and you don't see it.