posted ago by bgny ago by bgny +18 / -0

1.The House Financial Services Committee advanced a bill out of its committee to prevent the Federal Reserve from creating a Central Bank digital currency without authorization from Congress.

2.Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson secretly signs $26 million contract to build camps for iIIegal migrants.

3.YouTube barred Russell Brand based on unfounded media allegations and UK government requests, Rumble refuses to demonetize him.

4.Moderna and Pfizer stocks plummet as demand for COVID vaccines drops significantly.

5.Robert F. Kennedy Jr. may run as an independent if the DNC keeps rigging the primary in favor of Joe Biden.

6.Former Secretary of State says that over 800,000 ballot applications were sent to non-qualified voters in Michigan in 2020. (August news, but made rounds this week)

7.Texas Governor Greg Abbott officially declared an invasion at the border due to Biden's policies, deploys the Texas National Guard.

8.Media downplays blatant mụrder of retired police officer who was mowed down in Las Vegas, calling it a 'bike accident'.

9.Elon Musk is suing the US Government after Biden demands SpaceX hire refugees and asylees, which violates the Constitution.

10.Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon says the mRNA COVID vaccines were designed to injure and kiII. (from interview earlier this year, made rounds this week)

BONUS: Biden Department of Defense exempts all Ukraine funding from being impacted by looming government shutdown.

Imported from TaraBull's top 10 headlines of the week, with light editing for accuracy.