The pilot didn't crash the plane. Something went wrong with the plane - either a malfunction, or a remote control takeover by a foreign actor, etc., forcing him to eject or die imminently in an unresponsive plane losing altitude and going down.
I mean think about it. Those planes fly at extremely high altitudes, like 50,000 - 60,000 ft! The fact that he ejected at 2,000 ft means he had been likely fighting and struggling to fix whatever was going wrong as the plane was dropping like a rock until he couldn't wait any longer to eject.
In my past experience working in that industry for 10 years, I knew numerous pilots and they were about the most patriotic men, who were super sharp and extremely competent. As a matter of pride and reputation, none would have ejected unless there was no other option available.
Remember, the pilot had just experienced extreme stress, and a harrowing unexpected ejection while employed as a soldier for our country. An ejection cannot be compared to a voluntarily jump with a parachute. It is very violent and often injures you, and it is so fast you barely can process the experience. Then you pray the chute opens in time.
So, after the pilot fell 2,000 feet and landed in a field or road somewhere, he had to walk some distance to find someone who was able to call for help for him, as he clearly had no ability or device to do so on his own.
Then he gets an incompetent operator who wasn't listening very well to his request for aid which had to have been extremely frustrating.
Those 911 dispatchers questions are a standard script which is being used to update first responders while they are on route. One of the first things the dispatcher did was to page out for a response from probably an ambulance, a fire crew as well as local police.
Especially given the highly unusual claims from the caller, the 911 dispatcher did fine.
pilot crashes an $80M plane that flies itself and you're upset about the 911 operator!?!?
The pilot didn't crash the plane. Something went wrong with the plane - either a malfunction, or a remote control takeover by a foreign actor, etc., forcing him to eject or die imminently in an unresponsive plane losing altitude and going down.
I mean think about it. Those planes fly at extremely high altitudes, like 50,000 - 60,000 ft! The fact that he ejected at 2,000 ft means he had been likely fighting and struggling to fix whatever was going wrong as the plane was dropping like a rock until he couldn't wait any longer to eject.
In my past experience working in that industry for 10 years, I knew numerous pilots and they were about the most patriotic men, who were super sharp and extremely competent. As a matter of pride and reputation, none would have ejected unless there was no other option available.
Remember, the pilot had just experienced extreme stress, and a harrowing unexpected ejection while employed as a soldier for our country. An ejection cannot be compared to a voluntarily jump with a parachute. It is very violent and often injures you, and it is so fast you barely can process the experience. Then you pray the chute opens in time.
So, after the pilot fell 2,000 feet and landed in a field or road somewhere, he had to walk some distance to find someone who was able to call for help for him, as he clearly had no ability or device to do so on his own.
Then he gets an incompetent operator who wasn't listening very well to his request for aid which had to have been extremely frustrating.
Those 911 dispatchers questions are a standard script which is being used to update first responders while they are on route. One of the first things the dispatcher did was to page out for a response from probably an ambulance, a fire crew as well as local police.
Especially given the highly unusual claims from the caller, the 911 dispatcher did fine.