Bill Gates: "This experimental MRNA vaccine is safe and effective." Liberals: "I'll take four!"
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Lol what do you even mean by “Jesus Christ is real”?
It means He was a real person who existed, who was sent to us from God so that we could be saved from ourselves. He conquered death to prove his divinity. He is The Way, the Truth and the Life. And He's real in that you can actually communicate with Him and have a relationship with Him. He responds, and He changes you for the better if you let Him. He saves people from addiction, keeps families together, and proves Himself in ways that the world never could. I'm saying this as a former atheist, new ageist, and buddhist who tried to find help from the troubles of the world in all these dead-end ways. It was only in my search for truth that I found The Truth in Jesus.
Oh. My. God. You took my question seriously? You think I don’t know about Jesus?
Wanna know the most annoying thing about most self-avowed Christians? (I consider myself one but most self-avowed Christians wouldn’t consider me one because their definitions are self congratulatory bullshit), you’re not Christians. You don’t follow Christ. You don’t give a shit about what he actually taught. You took the easy way out. Not Christ’s way, but Paul’s idolatrous knockoff. I’ve yet to meet a Christian who ever quoted anything Jesus ever said except “I am the way, the truth, and the light.” Literally every other scripture you idol worshippers preach is from the Satanic Christian-murdering Pharisee, Saul. He changes his name and claims he saw Jesus in the desert (literally one of the places Jesus said wolves in sheep’s clothing would claim to find him), he tells you “All you gotta do is confess Jesus is the Christ and you’re good”, and you lazy asses have been lapping up his bullshit doctrine ever since the printing press was invented. No critical thinking. No personal responsibility. Just refurbished old testament idolatry, just like good children of Israel have always done. You missed the entire point of the entire Bible, have made the Bible your god, and Jesus your idol, when he should be your example of what a man can become through faith.
If not for you then anyone else reading. I'm not ashamed.
Gee I wonder where you got “I’m not ashamed” from.
Fucking hell, you can lead a cultist to water, but you can’t make him think, can you.