Bill Gates: "This experimental MRNA vaccine is safe and effective." Liberals: "I'll take four!"
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I just can't blindly follow a religion. I was interested in Christianity at one point, but like everything else in the world, I had to thoroughly investigate it's history of origin just like I would with any government psyop or what have you.
I'm sorry to say that when you start investigating, you realize Romans were utterly brilliant propagandists and they routinely used various religions and belief systems as tools to control the various populations they conquered. Christianity was created to subdue the militant Jews. It's all been very well detailed how this was done and by whom.
I think it's telling how fragile Christian belief systems are because they refuse to investigate this or even watch a video. Test your faith.
For the record, I'm partial towards Buddhism, but it advocates against any belief system. Belief systems are tools of the elite.
Q specifically posted about the Holy Bible. Scripture from the Bible. This should be a huge sign.
The world’s ‘elite’ worship Lucifer from the Bible.
The blatant satanic symbolism utilized is again Biblically sourced. When the entire apparatus is using Bible sourced Luciferian symbolism you might want to wonder why.
Satanic ritual abuses have been going on since the beginning.
Propaganda MSM rails on…wait for it, Christianity, the Bible and Jesus Christ. The other religions are false and hence not a concern.
My man, if you can’t pick up on the pattern recognition of the enemy worshiping a demonic entity such as Lucifer and the other gods that are more than likely fallen angels, I can’t help you. There’s more than enough proof that validates Jesus Christ lived and resurrected. If you’re having a hard time with it, go hit up the book I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist. You’re here on this board, critical thinking is among your skill set. I truly hope you find Christ, repent and rejoin the Spiritual Warfare battlefield.