I think the plan is going to move forward with RFK losing the nomination. But I think RFK Jr is laying the foundation to leave the Democrat party, taking all the old true Democrats with him.
RFK being denied SS protection, showing the country that the very service created as a result of his families assassinations is being denied. And it's being done by people within his own party.
RFK sending a letter to the DNC regarding In it he openly admits he understands the DNC and Biden are working together to undermine his election. He knows he isn't going to win this.
He emphasizes the major corporations that are screwing over the American people repeatedly.
And we all know these corporations are in bed with the Biden admin, hell they may be the ones running the show.
I think RFK Jr is going to lose the nomination, and in the end, renounce the current Democrat party, citing his 2 year experience with the party undermining him at every turn. He will write a formal letter, and when he leaves, millions of Kennedy Democrats will leave with him.
I think RFK Jr. is meant to be the "shepherd" that herds all the true Democrats who are leftover away from the Communist Corporatist Left.
Another point I realized today. Even IF RFK was really planning on beating Biden, he would lose to Trump officially as of 48 hours ago when he announced he would appear with the UAW strikers during the GoP Debate.
A Republican is going to be appearing with the Unions in support. RFK can't compete against that.
I think RFK Jrs role is simply to separate the regular Dems from the rest of the pack.
Whether he ends up being Trumps VP (which i hope) and gets those Dems to our side as one big Pro America party. Idk.
But I do believe RFK may end up leaving the Dem party in the end of it all. It's looking more and more like that.
In all fairness, political parties generally frown upon whomever primaries an incumbent of a seat they already have.